Real Ease


Yoga & Thai Massage workshop
November 23, 2-5pm,
Brighton Natural Health Centre

A deeply relaxing afternoon where you are invited to draw in, reflect and refresh; using yoga – asana, meditation, mantra and breath work; and Thai massage – myofascial release, tapping, beating, palming and thumbing, and deep compression techniques – to release deep-held tension in body and mind.

In the session there will be the opportunity to really slow down, listen to the body and fine tune awareness in order to respond more intuitively and come away from habits in practise, posture and life to rediscover flow and ease, fluidity through body and mind.

Leonie is a Senior Vajrasati teacher and Thai massage therapist and is known for her passion and fascination for exploring new ways of moving that allow practitioners to develop greater awareness, strength, mobility, stability and subtlety. Equally enjoyable and accessible to those with any degree of experience. The Thai massage part of the workshop will involve working in pairs; some people come with a friend but it is no problem if you come alone.

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