A female space


Throughout time, women have come together, from prehistoric times around the fire to raising consciousness in the 1960s, or in online groups on the internet… the congregation of women sharing, healing, caring, grieving, connecting in community has always been powerful.

From teenagers transitioning through puberty to women transforming through conception and childbearing, to the wise women moving through and beyond menopause; creating space for women of all ages to connect and hold space for themselves and each other can be incredibly enriching and enlightening.

In women’s yoga classes, we will explore the uniqueness of our own bodies, creating space to listen, respond and respectfully move with consciousness, encouraging self care and self-acceptance. Asanas will be facilitated in an entirely adaptive way, empowering each woman in the class, whatever her experience or physical abilities. We will use props and support where appropriate to allow unfolding of deep held tensions as they arise, noticing habits – physical and emotional – and allowing space to be curious, open and compassionate. Meditation, mantra, pranayama and nidra techniques will further allow quietening, to improve a sense of wellbeing and connectivity to our intuitive wisdom.

Women’s yoga classes will begin in the new year:
Tuesdays 1-2pm from January 3 2017 at Unity Studios, Lewes Road
Fridays 1-2pm from January 13 2017 at the Phoenix Community Centre, Phoenix Place.
Classes are drop in.
£10 per session/8 concessions, £90/70 for 10 sessions

REST, nourishing yoga day retreat for Mamas are also booking now, January 28 and February 18 2017. Read more…