Restive season starts here

As I’m writing this, I’m recovering from some lurgy-induced rest, but don’t wait for your body to say ‘no’. Why not reframe what can be an unnaturally stressful and over-energised time of year (not least for women, who still statistically carry most of the mental load and much of the labour burden of giving everyone the ‘perfect Christmas’).

At this time of year, nature is resting, quiet.
You are part of nature.

Here are some supportive ideas to help you get into the restive spirit:

1. 12 Days of Recovery & Restoration Why not join me and Charlotte for 12 Days of Recovery & Restoration. Use code WH100 at checkout to receive a whole month of FREE online classes, meditation and supportive whole health webinars that are perfect for inspiring more restful tones for your nervous system.
2. Be gifted and gift consciously Save everyone the arduous task of Christmas shopping for more stuff, and book a voucher for a massage, yoga classes or a mini-retreat for early next year.
3. Challenge samskaras Samskaras are habits – personal or social too – that couse suffering. Ask of everything you feel you ‘should’ do to make everything ‘perfect’ for everyone:
Does it bring joy equivalent to the labour involved?
What have been your mnost ‘perfect’ moments; could you have constructed them to be so?
Is it a social construct you need to subscribe to or could you be free of it?
4. Practise gratitude. Regularly recognising and ‘logging’ (you could keep a list/journal/jar) of even the smallest things that you feel grateful for (especially those that cost nothing) soon adds up to noticing how many little moments of joy and connection we have.
5. Verbalise appreciation. When you see someone who looks great, tell them. When somebody does something kind, thank them. When you notice someone making an effort, remark on it (rather than the outcome). Appreciation is infectious and spreads joy.

On that note, thank you all for your support and kindness, for being part of my yoga and massage community, you are all so appreciated. Happy restive season everyone, I’ll look forward to seeing you all in 2024, classes resume on January 6 2024.

Much love,
Leo xxx